Monday, July 21, 2008


Surprisingly, no tubes today! Our new ENT felt that because G was infection-free today--praise GOD!-- and showed no hearing loss--even more praises--, it would be fine to wait until he got another infection to do the tubes. Miracles do happen!!

The doc did a mini-procedure on G, strapping him to the papoose board and cleaned out the earwax from both ears. G screamed louder and harder while Matt was holding him in the examination room than in the procedure room....he cried during the minute long extraction but quickly recovered when I whisked him up in my arms and his daddy stroked his face. We feel certain that he will do just fine during tubes. I am really, really glad we chose this route without anesthesia (no offense Josh, if you're reading!).

So now begins the waiting game again. If he gets another infection in the next month, we go straight to tubes. If two or more months pass, then we have another exam and then possible tubes. And we don't even get to collect $200 as we pass "GO". Hopefully we can make it through the rest of the summer and if he still results in tubes, maybe they will last at least through this next cold/flu season.

All I know is I'm thanking the good Lord above!


Sasha said...

Glad you posted an update. I was just getting ready to call and check.

That's great news!

Christy said...

Ha ha--your comment about not getting to collect $200 cracked me up--specially seeing as how I have the bill for Luc's tubes sitting at my elbow...and it is for WAY more than $200. Stupid expensive procedures...but well worth it in the end. Glad George is symptom free right now--and if he does have the procedure I know it will go smoothly!