In their daddy's pattern, here is the first of my letters. (Abigail, your nap was too short today for me to write both!)
My sweet Georgie,
You are too precious for words. Always smiling and laughing, going for things 110%. Sometimes I look at you and cannot believe that you are turning into a little boy. You have developed so much in the past month. You have begun to take more risks with walking, going from one side of the room to the other, yet still preferring to crawl because you are fast! You have begun to talk more, saying Mama, Dada, mama milk, uh-oh, cat, sissy, and my personal favorite, barking at Boomer and the cats.
You have become more finicky in eating, wanting only your favorites of soy yogurt, pbj sandwiches, graham crackers, and bananas. If we give you something that you don't want, you throw it across the kitchen. You learned how to drink out of a regular straw this month and you love ice water now. You still love apple juice and soy milk. You have grown a are sooo heavy! You weigh ab 25 lbs. but you are solid! You wear 12-18 mo. sized clothes but you can squeeze into 12 mo. bottoms in a disposable diaper.
You are definitely a water baby--you love love love bathtime and now that we've recently started bathing you and Abigail in the big bathtub, you try to crawl away when it's time to get out! Can't wait to swim more with you in the pool and watch you kayaking with Daddy.
You certainly have a strong connection with Abigail, giving her sweet smiles and putting your head to hers. You are not such a fan of her trying to climb all over you and sometimes you protest her hugs. You think it's great fun to chase her with your walking toy while she runs ahead.
You definitely have a temper and are beginning to assert yourself. If redirected from something you want to do, you scream and hit and arch your back. You can screech some high pitches!! You are very focused and love to figure out how things work. You prefer to play with things that are not toys (like remotes, boxes, phones, etc.) and love to rattle the locked cabinets. You love to laugh and crash into things and swing in the swing in our backyard. Your head tilt reappeared this month but I suspect that it is because you began walking--our PT told us to expect that. You also have 2 molars about to pop through the skin, which has left you fussy and painful sometimes. You have four teeth on top and two on bottom and you smile with pride!!
(addendum: How could I forget to mention about your ears? We are still battling your chronic ear infections and will see a new ENT at Children's on Monday. We are hopeful that he might have new ideas as no one can figure out what causes your ears to drain so badly. At given moment, your ears have not drained in eight days! But you are a trooper, only acting sick when your ears are really really infected. However, you HATE anything that resembles a doctor's office and scream like crazy--can't blame you with how often your ears have been suctioned and poked... )
You still love to snuggle and give great kisses. My heart melts when I hold you and you sink into me with all your weight (that's the part of you being low tone that I treasure!). There is something very special about the connection between a boy and his I get it!
with love, Mama
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