...before I return to my mountain of paperwork while the babes are snoozin'.
Biting has returned. A bites out of frustration. She bites hard, leaving teethmarks or bruises. To date, she only bites me or G. Not sure if that's good or bad. So how do we correct this?
I tried ignoring it for a while, but it hurts. Bites illicit a primal response: I get mad and G cries. My latest is to firmly tell her "no bite" while getting down on her level, holding her jaw with my hands and making her look me in the eye while I say it. She then starts bawling, and I remove her from the situation. But apparently it's not working because she has bitten three times today, and it's only 2pm.
I thought natural consequences corrected it as before I left, she would bite G and he would bite back...she did not like that and stopped. But that doesn't seem to be working either....and do two wrongs make a right?
Any success stories?
**editor's note: they weren't asleep...**
We did everything you did and then started adding timeouts following all the traditional rules on location, time, toys, warnings, etc. It worked well for RG and us. Maybe it will work for A???
Q & E had stopped biting for a few months. So, I was bragging that they had grown out of it.
Not so, recently, they have started again. Q bites E more than the other way around. They have never bit me though. I try timeout and Q seems to think it is funny. E screams after being bit since they hurt more now and leave awful marks. I tell them "no bite" and tell him to apologize. He comes over and pats his head. But he does it again. For us, by the time I see it has happened, Q has moved on to something else entirely, leaving E screaming in pain! I don't know...I wasn't any help!!!
It sounds absolutely horrible, but I had to start biting back. Asher and Cache both were bitting. I was bruised on both arms. It only took a couple of days of me biting them back. I didn't bite them really hard but just the fact that mommy bite back was enough. We were at our wits end. Nothing worked.
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