Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A few funnies & chilly bump moments....

In the latest bout of stomach virus that plagued our house, Abigail was beginning to have symptoms following another croup and sinus infection. She wanted me to snuggle with her in my bed. She moaned a few times, and said, "Mommy will you pray for me because my tummy is hurting." Tears came to my eyes....she gets it! Praise be to God!

George was playing with his trucks and asked "Do monsters ride in the back of this truck?" Huh? "It's a monster truck, so do monsters ride in the back?" Ha!

I asked Abigail, who always wants the same as her mommy, if I got my hair cut, would she want hers cut short too? She responded, "Mama, if you got your hair cut short, you would look like Pop."


They earned enough stickers by staying in their beds at night to have their beds bunked! George is on top (he's a bit more cautious and less likely to take a flying leap off the top) and Abigail is on bottom. They love their new beds and it has freed up a ton of floor space for playing!!! So glad we did it!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


(above pic--these meadows of wildflowers were all along the hike in pockets. reminding me of God's beauty in unexpected rugged terrain)

We spent Memorial Day at our favorite Oklahoma hiking spot, the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge. We spotted buffalo, longhorns, turtles and plenty of lizards! Pop joined us for our outdoor excursion and we hiked over 3 miles. The pics don't show the rugged part of the hike (probably because I was concentrating on not falling instead of snapping pics) and the twins did great! They hung in there for the whole hike...and loved every minute of it! Chatty Abby talked the ENTIRE hike (don't know where she gets that from!)...she kept telling the hikers behind her to "follow her Barbie" (thank you Kirby and Aunt GoGo). George perfected his proper use of the hiking stick and the skill of not falling while decending. We enjoyed a picnic lunch on the top of a beautiful peak. Pop was very pleasantly surprised that G&A made it the whole way! Tough little hikers-in-training!!

The mountain behind Abigail is the one we hiked.
The beginning of our hike.

Target shooting...George turns everything into a gun these days.
Beautiful landscape.
Another hiker said this is our state lizard?? He was very colorful and fun to watch!
Taking a rest...