Monday, January 21, 2008

A cold winter's day...

Oh, the weather outside is is a dreary, cold day in Oklahoma with winter weather on its way. A great day to be snuggled up inside drinking hot tea and writing on the blog...

George and Abigail have been sick this past week....typical winter colds with low grade fevers, stuffy noses, coughs, and sneezes. They tolerated it beautifully and only "acted" sick a few nights. As of today, they are back to normal with no fevers.

Sooooo....we took advantage of being well and went to the Y. Matt has started swimming in the early mornings before work, so I took both babies to the nursery and worked out on my own. It was great to be back in the gym for "mommy time". The Y has a closed circuit TV channel where I could watch the babies in the nursery which was great for my anxieties. They did wonderfully; Abigail even fell asleep! We will be back into working out mode and figuring out a new schedule to accommodate the twins and Reba-Grace's naps so Renee and I can go workout together again.

George and Abigail are doing really well with cereal. This past weekend, we thickened it up to a texture like grits and they were champions! It took them a few bites to get used to it, but both seem to be enjoying it. George studies me very intensely when I am eating as if to say "Mommy, when can I eat that?" Due to great appetites, they have both gained a pound in the past week, now weighing in at 12 (Ab) and 13 (Geo). Abigail's little short legs are getting chunky and her belly is huge! George is getting some meat on his skinny bones and though he still has chicken wing arms, his legs are gaining (which will be great to support him and hopefully he will be more motivated to stand!). I forgot to write that George rolled over from his tummy to his back last week!! Hasn't done it since, but I know he will again soon! Abigail mastered rolling from back to tummy on her left side this morning as I was getting ready to nurse.

Poor Matt always gets left out of the blog. I want to brag on my hubby and his awesome efforts of getting back into shape. He is currently training for the OKC Marathon in April with his brother Billy and has been running nearly every day to train. His warm up race will be the Austin Marathon (he will do 1/2 which is 13.1 miles) in Feb. He is quickly dropping a few pounds gained as "Sympathy Pregnancy" weight and looks fabulous! He has amazing will power as he is dieting and I am trying to eat everything in sight to keep up with my hungry babies. He has been cooking up a storm so I can pack in the calories in a nutritious way...two nights ago, he made venison steaks, broiled potatoes, green beans, and baked acorn squash. Last night, he made homemade granola bars and foccacia bread. I love being married to a chef!!

Tomorrow George is having his PT eval in the morning and I hope to get in another workout at the Y in the afternoon. This week should be fairly normal as we prepare to head to Shreveport this weekend. It's Dad's bday and Kendal, Lauren and the twins are also coming into town, so we'll have lots of visiting! Hopefully the Morris clan will be able to come up from Houston too.

Gotta run, Abigail has awakened from her nap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad they are well. Hugs, Grammy