Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sweet Babies...

Quick entry as Abigail is getting fussy...

Babies are doing well this week. Woke up with coughs, sneezes, and snotty noses this morning, so I hope we are not on the brink of another cold. They started cereal this past Friday and have very different opinions of it. Abigail loves it...thinks it is the best thing since sliced bread and can't understand why it takes so long to get the spoon to her mouth. She opens up like a little birdie ready for her food! George, on the other hand, is not so sure about it. He tolerates it but does not enjoy it (and he's the one who needs the calories!). He is getting the swallowing thing down slowly but it will take time and persistence to get him to come around to the idea.

Abigail is still talking up a storm and is starting to look more like her brother. She resembles Matt's baby pictures. Her little legs and arms are getting chunky which is great! And boy does she love to eat....not so keen on sleeping though. She goes down for naps okay but nighttime is not fun. She will scream and scream, working herself up to where she shakes with anger. Once we help her calm down (which I am anxious for her to learn to do herself), she will drift off to sleep. Last night was pretty funny...went in after about 30 minutes of her crying off and on, unwrapped her from her swaddle to change her diaper and she fell asleep with her arms straight up in the air within about 10 seconds!! So we put her blocks on either side of her and she slept like that until 1am. Chuckle!

George is just as sweet and cuddly as ever! His smile melts my heart. We have been working hard on strengthening his legs and neck. Sooner Start (ECI program) came out last week for intake and he will be evaulated for physical therapy next week. He loves to kick but primarily kicks with his right leg. I think he will do well in PT and will catch up to where he needs to be soon. Still working on getting him to eat more, but he loves to sleep like his mommy. I am going to start waking him up instead of letting him sleep so he doesn't miss any feedings. So hard to wake a sleeping baby though....

Off to wake him now...feeding and for a walk we will go...

Keep your spirits up Rita...we're praying for you!

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