Monday, April 21, 2008

here we go again....

Round #3 of antibiotics for G for another (or probably the same one that won't go away) ear infection. He has been pathetically sick. Plus couple that with a cold with watery eyes, sneezing, and bad cough (which I hope is not going into his chest). All this plus..... Ab started with another fever and pulling on her ears Fri afternoon!

Today I am home all day with them both~ HOUSE ARREST!!!! We'll see how the phlegm-coughing, eyes-watering, ear-pulling, nose-dripping day unfolds.


On a positive note....they slept 11 1/2 hours last night straight!! Woo hoo! The only thing different we did was apply mentholateum to their feet and cover with socks. Could Vicks be the new miracle potion for sleeping????

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