George weighs 18 lbs. 4 oz. and can sit up on his own. He voluntarily rolls to his belly now without motivation and loves to play with his Leapfrog music toy. He is making great strides in PT (we still go weekly). He loves to squeal with delight and chew on his tongue. His feet are great play toys and he still eats like a champion--though he could care less about carrots and broccoli. He is eating mushed up food now and digs little puffs and rice rusks--no more pureed food--that's for babies!! He is really good at picking things up with his pinchers, but not so skilled yet at getting it off his hands into his mouth. No teeth yet, but we can see them under the skin ready to poke through! He is still our great sleeper and has been sleeping 12 hours at night for the past week. Matt is thrilled because his favorite thing to scream is "dadadadada!"
Abigail weighs 14 lbs. 12 oz. and is definitely mobile and full of energy and spunk! She is not crawling on fours yet, but scoots, rolls, pulls, and crawfishes to wherever she wants to go. She has perfected the yoga position "downward dog". She made her way across the living room floor last week to attempt to chew on Boomer's bone until I grabbed it from her lips--yuck!! She loves the exersaucer, spinning around and pressing all the bells and buttons. Her eating has improved and she eats everything we give her, including broccoli and zucchini! She has a smile with two teeth to melt your heart and loves to laugh. She has become great at playing by herself, especially when she awakes from her naps first. She babbles all the time and likes to make different sounds through her teeth.
Unfortunately, we were at the doc AGAIN today and George has ear infections in BOTH ears. We are on Round #4 of antibiotics and will be going to see the ENT to start talking tubes. Poor kiddo. Good news is he is not painful and is happy as a lark. We have learned he has a very high pain threshold.
Other family news:
~Matt's Granny is still not well--she has good and bad days but is still very frail in health. We keep her close in heart and pray for God's comfort to find her.
~We said goodbye to our nanny this week and will have a new babysitter starting Tuesday. We will miss Sonya and wish her well! The babies will begin a Children's Day Out program starting in late August 3 days per week so I may continue to work.
~Matt continues his violin lessons and is making beautiful music. Boomer is still scared of the violin!
~I am still trying to find the balance between being a mom, a wife, a social worker, and a faithful Christian--every day is a new day full of new adventures. It is amazing how one can get up in the morning and suddenly it's three in the afternoon---and it's not because I slept in!
All in all, we are eager to move into summer and look forward to trips to be with family and friends. We hope for lots of BBQs, cold margaritas, growing veggies in our garden, getting back to exercising, and watching our precious twins do simple but amazing things!
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