Major milestones this month...
~pivoting on his bottom, transitioning to the crawling position by himself---started CRAWLING the night he got his tubes and has been crawling every day since!!! YAY!!!
~will stand at the couch independently and needs minimum assistance to get to standing
~learned how to go from laying down on tummy to sitting all by himself!
~mastered his sippie cup once we switched to the straw cup--likes watered down apple juice
~teeth: has top two and bottom two with incisors on the way!
~talking up a storm!!! Uses "DaDa" appropriately and explores his vocal range well
~favorite toys: loves to play with his "drum" (oatmeal container with OJ lids in it), soccer or beach ball and spoons--anything he can manipulate with his hands and feet
~wears 9-12 month clothes (ab 21 lbs.) and never wears shoes!
~loves to "walk"/run pushing a diaper box all over the house--smiles and laughs like crazy when she does it
~stands independently for a few seconds before falling to her bottom
~crawls EVERYWHERE!!!
~says "DaDa" and "Mama" and "Bubba" appropriately--my heart melted when she called for me the other morning from her crib!
~mastered her sippie cup once we switched to the straw cup--loves to drink watered down apple juice--even took a few swigs of breastmilk the other day
~teeth: has top two front, rt. incisor, and bottom two teeth
~favorite toys: anything she is not supposed to have like our shoes or cat's food dish, music toys
~wears 3-6 or 6-9 month clothes (ab 18 lbs.) and also loves to run around on her tippie toes!
Hard to believe that this all happened in a month...and that things change sooooo quickly! We are so very blessed to have George and Abigail.
I just noticed that Abigail's hair parts on the opposite side of WC's, so that makes the bows upside down! I didn't even think of that when I brought them to you.
What's funny is that WC's hair used to have an obvious part, but now that it's longer, it just hangs down in her face, and doesn't really part to either side. That's why I always pull it back....
New pictures and update -- a great way to start my day!
Love to all,
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