Saturday, July 4, 2009

Here's a glimpse into our July 4th activities...
Daddy and his babies after the Brookhaven parade that we missed...

Georgie and Aboo enjoying their popsicles on a hot July 4th...

Pretty sure she liked it...

My artsy-fartsy side. I was inspired to photograph the normal scenes of life and this caught my eye. I love it.

Typical bathtime. G splashing like crazy and A playing in the water faucet. Too cute.

**edit note: our plans of fireworks on the 4th were rained we enjoyed a nice cozy night at home instead. i think God's trying to tell us something about these "plans" we keep trying to make...maybe "slow down" is His message???


DandW said...

Wonderful pictures!
I hope all are healthy now.

Renee said...

I would expect nothing less for you to have coordinated their outfits with their popsicles! Love the action in the bathtub!

Stephanie said...

I better get on it- I have yet to give E & Q a popsicle!! I am scared of the mess- when will this border on neglect??