Friday, September 25, 2009

Day at the Farm

We spent the morning at Peach Crest Farms in Stratford, OK with friends. Imagine 9 kids under the age of 3 (three sets of twins!!) and 5 adults amidst tractors, chickens, pumpkins, and lots of beautiful organically grown produce! George had the most fun watching the tractors, chasing the chickens, and throwing dirt clods. Pretty fitting since the meaning of the name George is "farmer!" Abigail had a blast picking beans, beets, and arugula and observing. We came home with a bushel of fresh veggies and exhausted toddlers! Thank you Susan for the personal tour!

To parents who cook...

How exactly does one do this task with one, let alone two, crazy toddlers tornado-ing around the house when you are the only parent at home?
What strategies have you found effective? I would like to cook again someday soon. Please share....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

B-day Weekend Park Pics with Aunt Sherry and Pop

I'm slowly but surely getting the pics posted from the birthday weekend. Please be patient!!

Goin' on a walk to our neighborhood park

Sliding with Pop..."One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and GO ABBY AND GEORGE GO!" (their new fave sliding song, thanks Misty)
Climbing with Aunt Sherry
Bummer, I'm still too short...

A quick "Sneak Peek"

To see our latest pro shots from the ever-so-talented Trina, check out her blog to the right and scroll down to her post on 9-20-09 entitled "Sneak Peek".....what adorable 2 year olds we have!!! How will we ever decide which to get???

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Georgie and Aberdoodle!

Yes, we still exist. Life with two-year-old twins has been more nuts than usual. Fall is in full swing...I'm back to working at least 4 days per week, which means no more naps at home and g&a are full speed ahead when they hit the door until they crash at bedtime. No more relaxed contemplative computer time for me. Crazy busy after their bedtime and early to bed for me each night so I can make it to the Y at 5:45am. Yikes, makes me tired just writing it. Here's our sweet toddlers blowing out their candles prior to the sugar high...more pics another day.