Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Twins' First Christmas

The Babies' first Christmas was a memorable one to say the least. It began with Grampa and Grammy (Matt's parents) coming up the weekend before to celebrate early. Not only was the company great but we fixed several feasts, enjoyed walks in the neighborhood, and witnessed the first snowstorm for the twins (it snowed the Saturday before Christmas). The Lees came over Saturday morning to open presents before their trip to Texas. On Sunday, we enjoyed Caine's baptism and dinner with the Stelzer family.

The Jankowskis left on Sunday morning and Nana and Pop (Carrie's parents) arrived later that evening to join us for Christmas Eve and Day. The babies had their first theatrical debut as Baby Jesus in the Children's Christmas Service at church. Imagine that....we played the Holy Family...pretty crazy! Matt was Joseph and Carrie was Mary---Abigail was Baby Jesus during the inside program and George was Baby Jesus for the outdoor live nativity scene. The babies did well. Abigail slept through the whole thing and George was laid back as always!! Pretty funny that one parent said to her child, "Look, Baby Jesus has a binky just like you!" Ha! Matt cooked Christmas Day breakfast and lunch. We enjoyed a very low key day--as low key as you can get with two infants--and it was very relaxing. A walk through the neighborhood to examine the damaged trees rounded out the day. We were all very blessed with lots of Christmas goodies and adoring babies!

As I write this entry, it is snowing again outside and is beautiful! Nearly an inch has fallen and coated the ground with powdery white. Boomer spent the morning in frustration as he wanted to be out hunting squirrels but didn't like the falling snow. Abigail is close to being able to roll over from her back to her stomach. They both awoke with coughs, snotty noses, and sneezes...perhaps another cold. They are both sleeping for their morning nap, whew.

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