Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Another first...

Georgie has his first shiner....Mr. Wobbly got into a fight with a tree root and the tree root won! Poor little fella...

But he's always a happy little trooper!


Mom to Four said...

tough cute. Glad it does seem to be slowing him down.

Stephanie said...

Look at those teeth!!! I felt weird going out in public when E had his first black eye (of many I am sure!) I thought everyone was looking at me funny!!!
Nice work, G!!!

DandW said...

Wow, that's a real beauty. It sure isn't spoiling his great smile!
Love to all,

Anonymous said...

Hey lady. Tried to call while you were driving but didn't reach you. Checking out your site for the first time in a while. We have similar photos of Mad w/ a shiner, it's rough to see them like that! Love all the photos, they make me smile and laugh. I hope I managed to share our photos with you from our Kodak site. Can't remember what I do from moment to moment any more! Coll

Christy said...

Poor guy! At least he takes it with a smile. How is your mom doing Carrie? Thinking of you guys!