Friday, August 10, 2007

Just a little while longer

Closer and closer we get....thank you for the sweet emails and calls and visits and meals to everyone as I have been on moderate bedrest for the last three weeks. It is really hard to believe that we are going to become parents very soon.

This past Tuesday's appt went well. The babies' heartbeats were strong and they are super active. My cervix was "barely cracked" and I was more effaced than last time. Both the midwife and the OB-GYN felt very positive about me being able to make it to at least 36 weeks--which is just a few days away!!!

Debbie left this morning after a week of slaving away and keeping Princess Carrie on the couch. Now Matt takes over until the babies are here. I think we are as ready as we will's just a waiting game now.

Anna's tail has healed well and she is back to her fiesty little self....Fortunately Boomer and Louise have remained stable with little excitement. Hard to believe that we are adding two more beings to this already well-established circus. Should be an interesting ride!!!

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